OCTOBER TEACHING – week 1 Sodium

Moving on to medical emergencies , this weeks teaching is brought to you by the elelement Na !

Please pick a topic to present , email the group what you are going to present and email me a one page summary so that I can post it on the website , thanks 
1) There are some recent updated guidelines on the management of Hyponatremia 
http://www.eje-online.org/content/170/3/G1.full . This needs a volunteer to summarise and present . Please also give us a 1 paragraph summary of necessary take home information 
There is also a great summary on emcrit for the emergency treatment of life threatening hyponatremia ( http://emcrit.org/podcasts/hyponatremia/ ) 
2) Sort of related to Sodium . Pathogenesis of cerebral oedema in DKA in children.How to avoid it !
3) Correction of severe hypernatremia and dehydration in children and infants – APLS guidelines 
4) HONK – treatment , particularly fluid resuscitation 
5) NOT related to sodium 
FOAM :  review of a particular website 
If someone could pick a particular website and review it . The best way to do this is based around a particular clinical question and see if the website sensibly answers your question .  
